Xuan Tuan Nguyen's family

Xuan Tuan Nguyen - 😀😁😄

Course Overview
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Theme I: HTML and CSS - The Nature of Life is to Grow – Life is structured in layers
Week 1 Web & HTML CSS for Styling Page Layouts using CSS HTML5 Forms & Regular Expressions JavaScript Basics JavaScript Basics cont.
Theme II: Client-Side Programming - Purification Leads to Progress
Week 2 JavaScript on Browsers Scope & Closure JavaScript Inheritance Events & AJAX Servlet Intorduction Review
Theme III: Server-Side Programming with Servlets and JSP - Every Action has a Reaction
Week 3 Midterm Exam State Management JavaServerPages (JSP) JSP CustomTags Project (JAKSON API) Project
Theme IV: Integrating all parts together - The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts
Week 4 Project Project Presentation Review Final Exam